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Split Button

pnpm add @balance-web/split-button
Import usage
import {
} from '@balance-web/split-button';
  • Code
  • API

Split button is used to group related actions, allowing users to perform a main action or choose from a menu of secondary actions.


  • Button — For when there is only a single action.


colorScheme, variant, size, disabled, loading

These props are the same as the - Button


Used to provide the main action.

It supports all the props a Button does except for colorScheme, variant, size, disabled, loading which are applied to the component as a whole based on the previous section and iconAfter.

Used to provide the secondary actions in the form of a menu. It's supposed to be a ReactNode which returns a list of Dropdown.Item. You can use all the props supported by Dropdown.Item such as disabled and href.

You can also use other elements from the dropdown-v2 package such as Dropdown.GroupTitle and Dropdown.Divider.

NOTE: An error will be thrown if there are no menuItems provided. Use a Button instead if there are no menu items to be rendered.


Edit in Playroom

All color schemes, variants and states

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