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Reckon Design System
Open playroom


Every Reckon employee has their own experiences and preferences that inform their personal writing style. But with so many voices behind one brand, this can sometimes lead to a lack of cohesion and clarity.

How Reckon sounds

In an effort to create deeper connections with our customers, we have to become a brand they can trust. And one of the easiest ways to establish trust is through consistency–specifically in how we communicate with our audience.

These pages contain rules and guidelines meant to help standardise the voice, tone, language, terminology, grammar and writing mechanics used in every piece of writing across the organisation. When we stick to these general guidelines, our audience is better able to understand who we are and what to expect from us–which ultimately leads to better relationships.


Before we put a word on the page, we need to think big-picture and align on the basics of what, and how, Reckon wishes to communicate.

  • Product voice and tone


These resources are meant to address more specific questions regarding Reckon’s standards for grammar, punctuation, capitalisation, etc.


For a list of Reckon and Balance specific words, visit the Glossary.

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